The thinking hand

In collaboration with a lingerie designer, our theme „The Thinking Hand“ pays tribute to the unique power of hands as tools of thought and creativity. In a world where rationality often dominates, we acknowledge that sometimes the brain cannot grasp what the heart can feel – and it is through hands-on experimentation that true inspiration emerges.

As a textile designer, I‘ve witnessed the increasing industrialization of the fashion and textile industries, leaving little room for the artistry of handwork. However, my passion for craftsmanship has persisted since the beginning of my journey.

Introducing the SABI Collection, a fusion of textile art and fashion accessories. This exclusive collection showcases 100% silk fabrics, naturally dyed, and adorned with the captivating Rust dyeing technique. Surrendering control to nature‘s whims, each piece becomes a canvas of spontaneous beauty, as Rust patterns emerge without restraint, resulting in truly distinctive creations.

SABI symbolizes the essence of the thinking hand, inviting us to embrace the beauty of slow, handcrafted artistry. By blending industry with intuition, we aspire to rekindle appreciation for the human touch, celebrating its limitless potential in the world of fashion and design.

Technics: dyeing, Sabi dyeing
silk, cotton, polyester
with Yuvi Kawano

ランジェリーデザイナーYuvi Kawanoとのコラボレーションによる「The thinking hand」は、手が思考と創造のツールとして持つ独特の力を持っていると信じています。合理性が支配する世界で、脳が理解できないものも、手を使っての実験こそが真のインスピレーションの源であるとも信じています。


”SABI COLLECTION” テキスタイルアートとファッションアクセサリーが融合したこの特別なコレクションは、100%シルクの生地を使用し、自然な染料で彩られ、魅惑的なラスト染め技術で飾られています。自然の気まぐれに手を委ねることで、各作品は自発的な美のキャンバスとなり、抑制されることなくパターンが現れ、特別な創作物となります。

技法: 染め、錆び染め
素材: 綿、シルク、ポリエステル
Collaboration: with Yuvi Kawano


haptic lines
